




Newport Beach

Vincent C. Hung, MD, MOHS Surgery, Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery

Why Should Men Consider Gynecomastia Surgery?

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| The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read:

You might be surprised—or comforted, depending on where you stand—that nearly 50 percent of all men experience gynecomastia at some part in their lives.

Man with gynecomastia sitting down.

So, what is gynecomastia?

More commonly found in young teens and older men, gynecomastia is the presence of excess or enlarged tissue that mimics the appearance of female breasts.

Gynecomastia is not caused by being overweight, but rather, an imbalance in hormones that causes the development of excess tissue. This is why losing weight through exercise may only partially solve the issue. This is also why more men are considering gynecomastia surgery to resolve the issue permanently.

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Many young men start to develop gynecomastia during their teenage years. While adolescents may benefit from the surgery, in most cases involving young men, the issue is resolved by the time of adulthood.

The ideal candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men who are experiencing extreme discomforts such as chafing or rubbing of the skin, suffer from a lack of confidence, and men who have tried less invasive methods and failed.

Gynecomastia may also be associated with hyperthyroidism, low testosterone levels, or other health complications. Be sure to speak with your primary physician to ensure you are not experiencing symptoms of other medical conditions.

Great candidates are also those who have realistic expectations, good physical health, and a relatively healthy weight.

How Is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed?

Intravenous sedation and general anesthesia are options for providing complete comfort for patients, and your doctor will suggest the best option for you.

If your gynecomastia is more like pseudo gynecomastia (excess fat), then liposuction will be used to eliminate fat deposits around the chest.

For glandular tissue and excess skin, a series of excisions will be made to remove tissue and reposition and contour the body to its most natural and flattering angle.

What Are the Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery?

For many men, masculinity is often defined by how you look. Restoring your self-image to the one you once had or the one you desire can have an exponential impact on your lifestyle and confidence.

Surgery may also improve your ability to enjoy the clothes you wear and correct your posture. Feeling comfortable in your skin is just one step toward a healthier, more fulfilling life, and gynecomastia surgery can help you remove the ‘man boobs’ that might be holding you back.

What Are My Alternatives to Gynecomastia Surgery?

Because a hormonal imbalance causes gynecomastia, hormone balance treatments may fight against male breast development or at least minimize its visibility.

In turn, removing anything in your life that might cause this hormonal imbalance may be beneficial. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Steroid use
  • Obesity
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Antibiotics and medications
  • Lack of exercise

Now that you have considered what causes gynecomastia, take time to research these non-surgical items that might prevent its formation:

  • Hormone Therapy or Testosterone Replacement Therapy
  • Breast reduction medication (please ask your doctor for more information on FDA-approved medication)
  • Herbal supplements, yoga, acupuncture, and other holistic treatments ( these have said to have been able to cure gynecomastia by restoring hormonal balance to the body)
  • Proper diet and exercise that promotes testosterone stimulation

Want to Find Out More About Gynecomastia Surgery in Newport Beach?

To learn more about the causes of gynecomastia and how to prevent it or to see if gynecomastia surgery is right for you, contact Dr. Hung by calling his Pasadena office at (626) 432-5032.