




Newport Beach

Vincent C. Hung, MD, MOHS Surgery, Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery

Will People Know That I Had Gynecomastia Surgery?

- Schedule A Consultation

| The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

Gynecomastia is a prevalent issue in the male population. The condition, which causes enlarged male breast tissues, has a reported prevalence of up to 36 percent

Notably, men with gynecomastia often feel ashamed and embarrassed over their condition. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery can help reduce breast size in men while flattening and enhancing their chest contours. Patients who have undergone the surgery experience increased confidence as a result of their more masculine chest appearance.

Man sitting on half-wall, wearing a white t-shirt

While most men would agree that the results make gynecomastia surgery well worth it, a common concern is how to hide the signs they had surgery on their chest. 

Although the procedure is fast and done with minimal scarring, you may still have to accept some scars. Read on for tips on how to take care of your scars so that they become lighter and fade faster.

What Should I Expect After My Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery results take time to become visible, often finalizing within three to six months of the operation. As you recover, the satisfaction with your new image will grow as your post-surgical swelling diminishes and incisions fade. 

While surgical scarring lightens with time, there is no way to guarantee that the scars will be eliminated completely. Your plastic surgeon will do everything in their ability to place these incisions in your chest’s natural contours; however, some scarring will occur and will likely be permanent.

You can help minimize the visibility of these by following several easy steps. 

How to Minimize Gynecomastia Surgery Scars

Even with the highest level of surgical precision, it is impossible to avoid scarring around the areola or in the liposuction site. Fortunately, most scars heal to a level where they can be barely visible.

Some of the techniques to reduce the appearance of the scars caused by the surgery include:

  • Higher level of hygiene: Proper hygiene on a healing wound can help keep out unwanted germs and debris to prevent risks of infections. Follow your surgeon’s instructions on washing the surgery area and how to keep it moist to prevent dry skin from suffering discoloration and redness.
  • Protection from the sun: Healing incisions are more susceptible to sun damage. You can apply sunscreen to the scar to protect it from the effects of UV rays. Ensure you are using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
  • Prescription medicine: Your surgeon can also prescribe medications that help fade the scars. These can include ointments, supplements, and skincare medicines that quicken the healing process.
  • Silicone sheets and scar gels: You can apply silicone sheets or scar gels on the surgery area to reduce the pigmentation and the size of scars. These also help to prevent keloid or hypertrophic scars.
  • Laser treatments: After the scars are completely healed, the scars can be lessened with microscopic lasers targeting the upper and middle layers of the skin. This technique is ideal for reducing or eliminating deep scars.

Don’t Suffer From Male Breasts Any Longer! Schedule Your Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation Today!

Notably, gynecomastia surgery scarring occurs in each patient uniquely. Choosing the right plastic surgeon can be the most effective way to minimize or eliminate noticeable scars from the surgery. 

At the offices of Vincent C. Hung, M.D., F.A.C.S., our highly experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon will equip you with the necessary knowledge on the most effective method to approach your healing process. 

After your procedure, our team will instruct you on treating the wound when you can resume regular activity and exercise. If you have further questions about gynecomastia surgery, contact us today by calling (626) 432-5032 or filling out our online contact form.