




Newport Beach

Vincent C. Hung, MD, MOHS Surgery, Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery

Category: Facelift

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Will a Facelift Achieve Your Facial Rejuvenation Goals?

| The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

A beautiful, middle-aged female touches her face.

Facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) is a transformative procedure designed to reverse the signs of aging and restore a more youthful facial appearance. While facelift surgery alone can achieve remarkable results, combining it with other facial plastic surgeries can provide even more comprehensive rejuvenation. In this blog, we’ll explore what a facelift can accomplish as well as its limitations and discuss the benefits of adding one or more other facial procedures to achieve optimal results.

4 Min Read:

What Is a Facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to correct visible signs of facial aging by tightening loose skin, lifting underlying tissues, eliminating jowls, and adding volume where needed to restore youthful facial contours and smooth out deep wrinkles and creases.

Facelift Procedure Overview

General anesthesia is typically administered for facelift surgery, after which incisions are made within the hairline and around the natural ear folds to minimize visible scarring.

The skin and tissues are then carefully repositioned and tightened, excess skin is removed, and the incisions are closed with sutures.

Depending on the extent of correction needed, additional techniques such as fat grafting or muscle tightening may be incorporated to achieve optimal results.

Benefits of Facelift Surgery

Facelift surgery offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their appearance and turn back the clock on aging. Some of what facelift surgery can achieve include:

  • Tightening Sagging Skin: Facelift surgery lifts and tightens sagging skin effectively in the mid to lower face for younger-looking facial contours.
  • Smoothing Wrinkles and Folds: Facelift surgery can smooth out deep folds and wrinkles, particularly nasolabial folds and marionette lines, by repositioning the skin and underlying tissues.
  • Restoring Facial Volume: In addition to lifting and tightening the skin, facelift surgery can address volume loss in the cheeks and midface by repositioning fat and muscle or using fat grafting techniques.
  • Enhancing Jawline Definition: Facelift surgery can improve the definition of the jawline by correcting hanging jowls.
  • Long-lasting Results: While facelift surgery cannot stop facial aging, the results can last a decade or more, providing long-lasting rejuvenation and improved self-confidence.

Limitations of Facelift Surgery

While facelift surgery can achieve remarkable improvements in one’s facial appearance, it’s essential to recognize its limitations.

  • Limited Correction of Fine Lines and Surface Irregularities: While facelift surgery can smooth out deep folds and wrinkles, it does not address fine lines or surface irregularities such as sun damage or acne scars. Additional treatments, such as laser resurfacing or chemical peels, may be needed to achieve a smoother skin texture.
  • Minimal Improvement in Eyelid and Brow Position: A facelift primarily targets the lower two-thirds of the face but offers minimal improvement, if any, to the eyelids, brows, or forehead. Patients with significant drooping or sagging in the brow or eyelid area may benefit from combining facelift surgery with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or brow lift surgery for more comprehensive rejuvenation.
  • Incomplete Correction of Neck Concerns: Facelift surgery typically includes a neck lift, but patients should discuss their aesthetic neck goals with their surgeon. For those with significant neck laxity or excess fat, ensure a neck lift will also be performed.

Advantages of Combining Facial Plastic Surgeries

When facelift surgery alone will not fully address the individual’s facial aging concerns or achieve optimal results, adding other facial plastic surgeries provides enhanced rejuvenation and comprehensive correction. Some of the key benefits of combining facial procedures include:

  • Addressing Multiple Concerns: Simultaneously: Combining facelift surgery with procedures such as eyelid, brow, or neck lift surgery allows for comprehensive correction of multiple aging concerns in a single surgical session.
  • Achieving Harmonious Results: By addressing multiple areas of the face and neck simultaneously, patients can enjoy more balanced and natural-looking results that are balanced with their other facial aesthetics.
  • Maximizing the Longevity of Results: Combining facelift surgery with complementary facial procedures can enhance the longevity of results by providing more comprehensive rejuvenation and reducing the need for additional procedures in the future.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Each individual has unique aging concerns and aesthetic goals. By combining facial procedures, treatment plans can be significantly more personalized to address the patient’s unique needs. Skilled facial plastic surgeons can customize treatment approaches to meet each patient’s expectations and deliver natural-looking rejuvenation.

Combining Your Facelift With Other Facial Procedures in Pasadena, CA

Facelift surgery is a powerful tool for rejuvenating the face and offers remarkable improvements in appearance and self-confidence. While facelift surgery alone can achieve significant results, combining it with other facial plastic surgeries such as eyelid surgery, brow lift surgery, or neck lift surgery can enhance facial rejuvenation, provide comprehensive correction, and restore confidence.

Dr. Vincent Hung is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with two locations in Southern California. Call 626-432-5032 to schedule a cosmetic facial consultation at our Pasadena office.

To reach our Newport Beach location, call 949-574-8292.


What Is a Comprehensive Facelift?

, | The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

Several facial procedures are available to help women and men achieve contoured and youthful facial aesthetics, with facelift surgery being one of the most common and popular of these procedures. 

Beautiful middle-aged woman with dark hair looking in the mirror and smiling

However, one of the biggest misconceptions in plastic surgery is that, despite its name, a facelift doesn’t actually address the entire “face.” Instead, a facelift only corrects the lower and midface (from the cheeks down to the neck). This means that aesthetic concerns in the upper face, including the areas around the eyes and on the forehead, cannot be addressed with a facelift alone. 

To address these areas, a facelift must be combined with other facial procedures as a comprehensive facelift. 

Below, we’ll take a look at these other procedures to help you see why combining procedures may be your best solution.

What Does a Facelift Do?

Facelift surgery is a procedure in which wrinkles, fine lines, and skin laxity on the lower two-thirds of the face are corrected. With this procedure, the underlying facial tissue and muscles are tightened, excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is pulled tight to give you the smoother, more youthful appearance you desire. 

Why Should I Consider Combining Procedures for a Comprehensive Facelift?

As mentioned above, a facelift only addresses the lower two-thirds of the face (from the cheeks to the neck). 

So, if you are looking to achieve a complete facial transformation, then a facelift alone is not going to be enough. 

By only correcting the lower and middle areas of the face, you risk creating an imbalance between your facial features, with a portion of your face looking younger and more rejuvenated than the other. 

Combining procedures into a comprehensive facelift can give you a more complete and balanced improvement.

What Other Procedures Can I Combine to My Facelift?

Blepharoplasty and brow lift surgery address age- and lifestyle-related concerns in the upper third of the face. 

Here are some details about each of these cosmetic procedures:


Also known as eyelid surgery or an eyelid lift, blepharoplasty addresses cosmetic concerns in the upper and lower eyelids. 

Upper blepharoplasty can be performed to correct sagging skin in the upper eyelid, which can cause drooping eyelids and can even obstruct vision. Lower blepharoplasty can be performed to correct puffiness in the lower eyelid as well as dark circles and bags under the eyes

Some patients choose to combine upper and lower eyelid surgeries to achieve more youthful eyelids that help to highlight the natural beauty of their eyes. 

When combined with a facelift, blepharoplasty can help to accentuate your results.

Brow Lift 

Along with blepharoplasty, brow lift surgery (forehead lift) helps patients achieve a more youthful and balanced appearance when combined with a facelift procedure. 

Brow lift surgery addresses sagging skin in the eyebrows that can cause heavy and furrowed brows as well as wrinkles and lines on the forehead, which often make women and men look much older, tired, and angrier than they actually are.

In the End…

Facelift surgery is a fantastic cosmetic surgery if you want to improve the look of your face. However, if you desire a balanced and complete transformation to your entire face (including tighter, wrinkle-free skin), then a comprehensive facelift (which combines facelift surgery with either blepharoplasty, brow lift surgery, or both) is your best bet. 

After your comprehensive combination procedure, you can look forward to seeing your reflection in the mirror and smiling with confidence and pride at the face you see looking back.

Interested in Learning More? 

If you have questions about facial cosmetic procedures in Southern California, please feel free to contact Dr. Hung at 626-432-5032 (Pasadena) or 949-574-8292 (Newport Beach). 

How Do I Know if It Is Time for a Facelift?

| The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

One of the greatest certainties in life is that time will never go by unnoticed, and, as we age, time leaves its defining mark on our skin in the form of sagginess, wrinkles, jowls, and loss of definition in our features. 

When this starts happening to you, you may start wondering if it’s time to get a facelift that will help you gain a more youthful appearance.

Middle-aged woman standing outside with fall leaves

One thing you should keep in mind when considering facial restoration surgery is whether your reasons for wanting a facelift are the right ones. 

So, let’s take a look at the reasons why you could be a good candidate for facial restoration and why it might be a better idea to wait a bit.

What Are the Main Reasons Why People Choose to Get a Facelift?

While each case is different, and the final decision is ultimately your own, there are several issues common to all those who opt for a facelift to remove the signs of aging. 

To name a few:

  • A facelift removes wrinkles, giving you a more youthful appearance.
  • People who choose a facelift always say they want to look younger.
  • A facelift helps tighten lax skin and remove jowls and sagging left behind by age or weight loss.
  • Facial restoration can repair poor jaw or neck definition, which can be one of the most unsightly signs of aging.
  • After a facelift, a person looks more alert and less tired, helping them achieve a more defined appearance.

Aside from the physical and aesthetic reasons for wanting to get a facelift, there are emotional ones too. As people age, the change in their appearance can cause them to feel saddened and dissatisfied with how they look. 

Getting a facelift can provide a much-needed boost to their self-esteem and the way they see themselves.

Are There Any Reasons Why I Shouldn’t Get a Facelift Right Now?

Most people who choose to have facial restoration surgery are between the ages of 40 and 60, with the best results being achieved in those around 50 years old. But, choosing this procedure may not be right for you (at least yet), especially if you fall into one of the following assumptions:

  • You are not ready for surgery and need more time to consider it. If this is your case, you can talk to Dr. Hung about any non-surgical options, such as laser or chemical peel treatments that may be a better fit for your specific needs.
  • You are not prepared for the time it takes to recover. We get it, life gets in the way of things sometimes, and you may be too busy at work or taking care of your family to invest the time you need to recover from a facelift. If this is the case, putting the idea of facial restoration on the back burner for some time may be the best thing for you to do.
  • You are not sure if your appearance is the real issue. No matter how old you are, peer pressure is always an issue. Just because somebody you know got a facelift, it doesn’t mean you should feel pressured into getting one too. If you aren’t sure about your reasons for having facial restoration surgery, it’s always best to wait a bit before you do.

Interested in Learning More?

Are you ready to start your path to a more youthful appearance? If so, contact Dr. Hung at 626-432-5032 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment today!

Do You Want to Look Younger This Valentine’s Day?

, | The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

Valentine’s Day is a time for many couples to reaffirm their love and look forward to a romantic evening. To prepare for such an event, many women go all out, picking the best outfit, planning what makeup to use, and more. Some women even consider cosmetic treatments. 

woman prepared for Valentine's Day thanks to cosmetic treatments.

Unfortunately, many women do not think about more impactful cosmetic treatments until it’s too late to recover in time for Valentine’s Day. 

What Are My Cosmetic Options for Looking Younger?

For many women, taking years off their facial appearance is not as easy as they wish it were. Makeup has its limits, and it takes effort and skill to use it well. 

Fortunately, other options are available to let you look younger—for longer—without worrying about your skill with a makeup brush.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a good starting choice for women looking for that youthful glow. These treatments rejuvenate your skin and create a healthier, younger-looking face with a more even skin tone and texture. Peels work by removing damaged and dead cells on the surface of your face, revealing the newer, healthier skin below. This creates a youthful radiance that can last for months. 

The best part of chemical peels is that they require minimal downtime and offer quick results. You will experience a few days of skin peeling, but your new appearance will shine through after that.

Dr. Hung specializes in the croton oil peel, which can treat mild to moderate wrinkles on the lower face in addition to the benefits mentioned above. This can reduce the appearance of aging to a significant degree.

Make Your Eyes Glow

One of the places where aging is most apparent is around the eyes. Wrinkles, puffiness, and bags under the eyes can all make you look older. Fortunately, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) for the upper or lower eyelids can correct these issues and make you look young again. 

The main issue with blepharoplasty is the need to plan ahead. Blepharoplasty needs some time to recover from, usually a couple of weeks. So, if you want to look your best for your romantic night, you should undergo surgery at least a month before.

Restore Your Youth With a Facelift

If you really want to turn back the clock and look years younger, a facelift is a great option. Facelift surgery gets a bad rap because the media only reports on celebrity facelifts that go wrong. In reality, most people who get a facelift look years younger than before with natural-looking results. 

Most people only notice that you look better and don’t question why. Others sum it up with a good night’s sleep, a new diet, and general happiness.

A facelift can tighten loose skin, remove wrinkles, and reposition sagging facial tissues and muscles. When combined with liposuction on the neck, a facelift can adjust your facial contours to a surprising degree. This can make your facial expressions more open and inviting.

Facelift surgery offers the most impressive amount of improvement for your face but also requires time to recover from. If you plan on looking your best for Valentine’s Day this year, get a facelift as soon as possible. The benefits will last years with proper skin care. 

Want to Learn More? 

If you are interested in more information about facial improvement or other plastic surgery procedures, please contact Dr. Hung at his Pasadena office at 626-432-5032 or his Newport Beach office at 949-574-8292.

Want Plastic Surgery? You May Want to Rethink Your Smoking Habit!

, , | The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

When planning for plastic surgery, one of the requirements almost every board-certified plastic surgeon will mandate is that patients refrain from using all nicotine products for three to six weeks before and after surgery. 

woman breaking a cigarette rather than smoking it.

There are very good reasons for this near-universal stricture. Nicotine and other chemicals found within cigarettes damage the lungs, yellow the teeth, and age skin, but these factors are unlikely to directly impact plastic surgery operations. What will affect these procedures is nicotine’s vasoconstriction effects. 

What Are the Effects of Nicotine on Your Body?

Nicotine causes veins and arteries to contract, restricting the amount of blood that can pass through them. This dramatically increases the risk of complications during surgeries, especially plastic surgeries that affect a broad area of surface tissue like facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) or tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty). When a plastic surgeon removes a section of tissue on the surface, it is kept alive through blood vessels in nearby tissue. If a patient has nicotine in their system, these blood vessels are too constricted to provide adequate blood flow. 

This means that patients who do not stop smoking are at a much higher risk of tissue necrosis during plastic surgery.  

What Is Tissue Necrosis?

Tissue necrosis is when tissues die while still attached to the body. This condition can be dangerous and, in some cases, lead to gangrene—a potentially lethal condition. The effects of nicotine and the risks of tissue necrosis do not go away during the recovery period. Even if patients who smoke make it through the surgery without complications, there is still a higher risk of tissue necrosis and excessive scarring during recovery. 

What Are Other Smoking Risks?

  • In addition to the vasoconstriction effects, smoking also decreases blood’s ability to carry oxygen by adding carbon monoxide to the bloodstream. This increases the risks mentioned above. 
  • Nicotine inhibits collagen production, causing the skin to age faster and heal slower. This can make recovery times longer and increase the risk of complications.
  • Smoking can increase the risk of certain skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. 
  • Smoking also causes wrinkles and other skin concerns that are difficult to reverse while toxic chemicals continue to do more damage. 

How Should I Prepare for Surgery?

If you plan to undergo a plastic surgery procedure, it is vital that you honestly discuss your smoking habits with your surgeon. You should have a frank discussion about your ability to refrain from smoking before and after your operation. 

It is critical that you do not lie to your surgeon about your nicotine consumption, as this may endanger you.

If you truly feel unable to quit smoking for at least 12 weeks, you should not undergo surgery. If, for any reason, you consume nicotine during that window (before or after your surgery), you should contact your surgeon right away. 

Want to Learn More? 

If you are interested in more information on the risks of smoking regarding your plastic surgery procedure, please contact Dr. Hung at his Pasadena office at 626-432-5032 or his Newport Beach office at 949-574-8292.

Are Chemical Peels an Alternative to a Facelift?

, | The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

Almost all men and women want to fight the aging process, which is why the cosmetics and anti-aging industries are so massive. Unfortunately, there will come a time when over-the-counter creams and lotions are not strong enough to get the job done. Fine lines, wrinkles, laxity, volume loss, and skin irregularities all occur due to age, sun damage, harsh environments, and lifestyle choices.

Woman getting a chemical peel.

There are many different anti-aging cosmetic procedures available today, ranging from non-invasive treatments to surgery. Two of these are chemical peels and facelift surgery.

Potential cosmetic patients are often interested in learning about which procedure will give them the best results in the least invasive way. While non-surgical procedures are preferred by many, they are not always, if ever, able to match or rival the results provided by cosmetic surgery. 

What Is Achieved With Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery addresses aging and laxity on the lower two-thirds of the face. This procedure can reduce or eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls on the face and neck. Facelift surgery makes incisions in the hairline that start at the temple and continue down and around the ear. Loose skin is trimmed, underlying tissues are lifted and tightened, and the remaining skin is redraped over the new contours. 

Facelift surgery restores smoother, tighter, and more youthful skin.

Why Should Patients Still Consider a Chemical Peel?

Just because a chemical peel cannot achieve that same level of correction as a facelift, it does not mean that chemical peels do not have significant benefits. Like facelift surgery, chemical peels have the power to address common signs of aging such as fine lines around the mouth, crow’s feet, and forehead furrows. However, unlike facelift surgery, chemical peels also have the power to restore and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. Some of the tone and texture issues that can be addressed by a chemical peel include dark spots, acne scars, and uneven pigmentation.

There are different levels (or strengths) of chemical peels. This not only determines your recovery period and length of peeling, but it also determines the quality of your results. Light chemical peels are surface-level peels that improve the texture of rough or dry skin. Medium intensity peels target texture irregularities as well as fine lines and minor skin imperfections. Deep peels penetrate deep into the skin and allow for the most significant correction. Unfortunately, they also require the most significant amount of downtime, and some can only be applied to the face once so that there is no lasting damage.

Croton Oil Peels

The croton oil peel is a deep chemical peel that delivers noticeable improvement to smoker’s lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet. This resurfacing peel restores skin health and leaves you with a radiant, healthy-looking complexion. Croton oil peels are safe and effective for patients of all ages and can be performed after you have healed from facelift surgery for enhanced results.

Before and after image showing the results of a Croton Oil Peel.

                             Before and after image showing the results of a croton oil peel.

How Do the Recoveries Differ?

After facelift surgery, patients need to take two weeks before returning to work and any regular activities, and more strenuous activities require a longer break. Chemical peels take anywhere from five days to two weeks to recover from. The recovery after your chemical peel will depend on the depth (strength) of your peel. Light peels do not require much in the way of downtime. Most patients look sunburned; however, they can go about their regular routines with very little concern. The medium or deep chemical peels require more in the way of downtime. Deep peels can cause severe swelling around the eyes, which can make normal activities more difficult.

To find out if you are a candidate for a chemical peel or a facelift, contact Dr. Hung by calling (626) 432-5032 or by filling out our online contact form.

How Should You Care for Cosmetic Surgery Scars?

, | The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

3 Minute Read: 

There is no denying that one of the most frustrating parts of plastic surgery is the resulting scars. People choose cosmetic procedures to improve the way they feel about their physical appearance, so it seems contradictory that in order to do that, lasting marks must be made. Surgical scars are far from ideal, but when they are cared for properly they can fade and become less visible.

Middle aged woman touching and examining her face for signs of aging.

Plastic surgeons, like Dr. Hung, do everything they can to hide the incisions during the procedure so that the resulting scars are inconspicuous. Unfortunately, this is not always easy, especially when it comes to facial surgery. Your face is always on display, and since most people do not walk around wearing oversized sunglasses or large floppy hats every day, there is a chance that scarring will be noticeable. Even facelift scars that are initially hidden within the hairline can become visible later if the hairline recedes. It is important to start caring for your incisions as soon as you can to keep scars as minimal as possible.

Let the Incisions Rest

Regardless of whether you underwent a facelift, brow lift, blepharoplasty, or reconstructive nose surgery, there will be external incisions. The best way to start your scar minimization process is to leave them alone. The less trauma they experience, the better. Trauma does not only mean an injury; it can also be any excess movement or tension placed on the incision. During the initial stages of your recovery, you want the incisions to rest. Follow all of Dr. Hung’s post-operative instructions, such as when it is alright to wash your face or shower, and how often you should change your bandages. Proper care in the beginning will put you on the path to minimal scarring down the line.

Hide from the Sun

It can be hard to hide your face from the sun, especially during the summer months. Unfortunately, the sun is not good for a healing incision. Sun exposure on a scar that is not entirely healed can result in darker pigmentation that is more difficult to hide.

Invest in Silicone Strips or Gel

Silicone strips and silicone gel are designed to lessen the appearance of scars. They can be applied to the incision as soon as it is completely healed, usually after two or three weeks. Silicone strips are reusable adhesive bandages that are worn over the incision for the majority of the day. At night, you can remove the strip, wash it, and let it dry in preparation for the following day. Silicone gel is applied in the same way as a lotion or cream. When used correctly, silicone strips and gel can start to reduce the appearance of a scar after two or three months.

Be Patient

All scars look bad initially. They are bright red or pink, are often raised, and they stick out like a sore thumb. The appearance of fresh scars is enough to make some men and women regret their surgery. Fortunately, this state is short-lived. All scarring, no matter how bad it looks right after the procedure, will fade with time, sometimes to the point of disappearing altogether. There is no way to know the length of this process, as everyone heals at a different rate. However, you can take comfort in the fact that bright red scars will not stay that way.

For more information on how to take care of your scars or to start your plastic surgery journey, contact Dr. Hung by calling (626) 432-5032 or by filling out our online contact form.

Getting Rid of Jowls

| The Office of Dr. Vincent Hung

2 Min Read

If you have jowls, you probably would not mind getting rid of them. Jowls are never ideal, and many men and women will go to any length to get rid of them, whether it is practicing facial exercises, using creams and lotions that claim they will get rid of them, or choosing surgery. While the first two options are much cheaper and far less invasive, there is no guarantee, or proof, that they will do anything for you. Fortunately, the third option provides results that are much more concrete. Facelift surgery targets the jawline and neck so that you can finally bid those pesky jowls adieu.

What Are Jowls?

Jowls are what we call the loose skin and fat that hang below the jawline. They develop over the years as a result of aging, genetics, sun damage, weight loss, poor skin care, smoking, and dehydration. These factors all contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin, causing it to sag and facial features, such as the cheeks, to fall. When there is nothing to hold the cheeks in place, gravity pulls the skin and facial fat downward until there is nowhere further to go, and the jawline is where they come to rest.

A senior woman touching her neck

How Can Surgery Help?

Once jowls form, they often change the overall shape of the face and disrupt the youthful jawline that many people desire. Facelift surgery combined with treatment of the neck is performed to minimize or eliminate the appearance of jowls. A facelift is designed to restore the facial muscles and fat to their original positions. This includes the fat and tissues of the cheeks. Once the cheeks are lifted back to where they should be, there will no longer be anything pushing down toward the jawline. Any extra skin is remedied with a neck lift, which is often performed alongside a facelift to maintain the balance between the appearance the face and the neck.

How to Maintain Your New Jawline?

Unfortunately, it is likely that you will develop jowls sometime in your life. That is how aging and gravity works. The good news is, however, that once you undergo a facelift, you are starting with a clean slate. A facelift will not halt the natural progression of aging, but you do have the unique opportunity to improve your skincare regimen. Proper skin care, sun protection, staying hydrated, a healthy diet, and not smoking or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol will contribute to the longevity of your facelift results.

For more information about how you can get rid of jowls, contact Dr. Hung by calling his Pasadena office at (626) 432-5032, his Newport Beach office at (949) 574-8292, or by filling out our online contact form.